Finishing and Polishing

Fine Scratch Remover

A special polishing compound specifically designed for VisiClear, DuraFlex and DuraCetal, as well as other types of thermoplastic materials like acrylic, nylon
or polycarbonate.

Model Separator

Prevents DuraFlex from adhering to the model during injection and leaves a smooth and shiny surface on the underside of the partial.

Acetal Polish

Gives a high gloss to any
dental appliance made from acetal resin.

Myerson Polishing Kit

Kit Includes:
Yellow Discs (6)
Red Discs (6)
Blue Discs (6)
Green Discs (6)
Plastic Mandrels (4)
3-inch Muslin Buff
Fine Scratch Remover

Fine Scratch

Model Separator

Acetal Polish

Myerson Polishing Kit

A special polishing compound specifically designed for VisiClear, DuraFlex and DuraCetal, as well as other types of thermoplastic materials like acrylic, nylon or polycarbonate.

Prevents DuraFlex from adhering to the model during injection and leaves a smooth and shiny surface on the underside of the partial.

Gives a high gloss to any
dental appliance made from acetal resin.

Kit Includes:
• Yellow Discs (6)
• Red Discs (6)
• Blue Discs (6)
• Green Discs (6)
• Plastic Mandrels (4)
• 3-inch Muslin Buff
• Fine Scratch Remover